Friday, March 9, 2012

3/4/12 to 3/9/12 Austin & Georgetown

Sunday...... We arrived at our home in Austin around noon and just hung out at the house.

Monday..... Got up early and went to work while Pat got to work on fixing the steps into the RV. It was an all day job getting the steps fixed. I made my hour walk in the neighborhood and enjoyed the sunshine.

Tuesday.....I worked and Pat took the RV in to have serviced and inspected.  We didn't get the RV back until late in the afternoon so didn't get away from Austin until around 6:30 heading to Berry Springs RV Park in Georgetown.  The lady at the RV park was thrilled to have us back (actually she was thrilled to see Blaze again-she loves Blaze).

Wednesday.......I worked in the morning.  Pat went into Austin to meet with Steve Beck, a friend from PSI, to see about having a pond dug on his property.  After working in the morning I headed into Austin to get my hair colored and cut.    It's overcast and rainy today and the future forecast is for more of the same only colder.

Thursday.....I worked and made a quick walk around the RV park in the afternoon before it starting raining and the cold front blew in with the temp going from 73 down to 43 in a matter of minutes.  (Don't you just love Texas weather?)

Friday.... Woke up to 42 degree temp and rain today.  I worked on the Blog this morning since it's been weeks since I last blogged.

It's supposed to rain most of today and the weekend.  I'll be working and staying dry and warm... Till next blog.......

2/23/12 to 3/1/12 La Feria, TX & 3/2-3/3 Kingsville, TX

Thursday...... Pretty much a usual day, worked more hours than should have but the weekend is coming.

Friday..... Went into Harlingen to the movies to see the comedy Wanderlust with Jennifer Anniston and lunch at Chili's.  Enjoyed the movie, was still laughing as we left the theatre watching the out takes.  Overcast skies with spotty rain.

Saturday.....It's we opted to go to Weslaco to the movies and see Safe House with Denzel Washington. What a thriller and lots of action. The seats in this movie house were not as comfortable as Harlingen.  When we came out of theatre the sun was trying to come out.

Sunday...... Still raining....we are tired of the rain and mosquitoes and the fleas. Poor Blaze, we have bathed, purchased a flea collar, sprayed our outside area, sprayed Blaze with all kinds of poisons and he still has fleas. I think it's time for the Vet, and, oh,  we have also bought spray to spray down the RV.

Monday...... Worked, walked, grocery shopped.  Did see some sun later in the day.

Tuesday....It's WINDY but no rain.  I got my 3 mile walk in before it starting blowing. Today it was off  to the the Border Veterinary Hospital to purchase pills for Blaze's fleas.  They had to weigh him and he is at 10 1/2 lbs.  He's gained weight as we all do as we age. He's gained 1/2 lb since last year. We got the pills,and hopefully have taken all precautions in and around the RV to assure there are no more fleas.  With these pills once he takes them the fleas are dead within 30 minutes and lasts for 30 days.  Thank goodness. 

Wednesday.....Just the usual, work, walk.

Thursday..... Same-o, Same-o

Friday.......Today we left Kenwood RV park in La Feria heading for Kingsville.  We wished James and Barbara farewell.  They are staying in La Feria till the end of April.   The park is clearing out more and more every day with winter Texans going back to their homes in the North.

Once we arrived in Kingsville I got my office set up and worked until around 1:30 then we headed to the King Ranch where we took a tour of the King Ranch.  We both enjoyed the tour.

Saturday..... We drove into town and visited the King Ranch Museum then back to the RV to chill.